High Power Precision Tone Generator

User Guide

AntennaOffset Info



TTS-003 Second Generation TriTone Penetrates Wet Pulp to Provide Positive Pair Identification


The TriTone Tone Generator features:

  • 577 Hz and 987 Hz tone frequencies aids in two man restoration operations
  • Audible Tone frequency changes when short condition is detected.
  • Simplex for easy pair location, TriPlex to eliminate bleed-over under adverse conditions
  • Three user selectable tone amplitudes
  • Rechargeable Li-ion battery
  • Analog TR Voltage measurement
  • Tip and Ring to Ground AC Volts measurements to positively identify each conductor
  • Vacant Pair Check
  • Carry bag for cords and charger

Tone Frequencies

577Hz :The TriTone Tone Generator offers the standard 577Hz tone typically used for identifing cable pairs on inside wire or outside plant. This tone is compatible with standard filtered and non-filtered tone amplifiers.

987 Hz :The TriTone Tone Generator also provides 987 Hz tone for compatibility with 987 Hz amplifier probes, and is easily distinguished in a two man restoration operation.

Simplex Mode

The Simplex Mode is preferred to quickly locate tone in large cables with a standard tone probe when working under normal situations with good cable bonding and grounding. Once the group is found the user detects a notable increase in tone amplitude when placing an amplifier probe tip close to the correct pair.

TriPlex Mode

When the cable conditions cause substantial tone bleed-over, making it difficult to determine the correct pair, TriPlex is recommended. In many cases Switching from Simplex to TriPlex eliminates any tone bleed-over to adjacent pairs. Given bleed-over is virtually eliminated it is recommended to initially locate the group using Simplex.

Tone Modes



The TriTone provides three tone levels. The Normal tone level should be used in most cases. Higher tone levels can be used when there is interference, long lines, or when identifying cables.